QUEBEC, CANADA– No matter what part of the world a cat may be from, one of the more challenging aspects of the day seems to be getting their kittens to brush their teeth before bedtime or anytime for that matter.
Whether a Himalayan, Persian, or Siamese breed, kittens fight, scream, scratch, refuse to open their mouth, and even vomit on their parents in an effort to forgo sticking a toothbrush smothered in yucky toothpaste into their hesitant mouths.
Even though cats aren’t prone to cavities in the same way that dogs are due to the surface of their teeth, felines can still have other dental issues, such as periodontal disease and oral cancer. So it’s imperative that cats get their young ones to start taking care of their teeth at an early age.
Below are four tips that may make it easier for adult cats to get their kittens to brush their teeth.
1. Try to set a good example
One of the best ways to get your kitten to brush his or her teeth is to brush your own teeth in front of them in an effort to show them that brushing is safe and normal. Just be careful when putting the little one in front of the mirror as kittens have a very short attention span and will start clawing at the mirror thinking it’s another kitten.

2. Have fun by incorporating games
Having fun can make the act of brushing a lot easier. Make a game out of it by using cat toys such as string, balls, and little toy mice. Throw some toothpaste on that string or mouse and let kitty chew the heck out of it.
3. Use tuna-flavored toothpaste
What cat doesn’t love the taste of tuna fish? Nowadays specialty stores carry many different flavors of toothpaste for those finicky felines who hate the taste of traditional pastes. Don’t worry, the toothpaste won’t leave a fishy smell after use. Some of the most popular feline toothpastes on the market include tuna, salmon, mouse, milk, and even catnip.
4. Give them a reward
If some of the aforementioned tricks don’t work, then the age-old tactic of bribery may do the trick. Use a reward system of naps and snack food every time your kitten brushes. Let them play with their cat toys afterwards if they do well enough and the smell of fish breath is less fishy.
Bonus tip:
Now we don’t recommend this next tip for numerous reasons, but some cats swear by its effectiveness so we figured we’d at least mention it. Some parents stated that they had great success by first giving their kittens catnip and then letting them run around like lunatics before getting them to brush, saying that they’re much more compliant once their high wears off and they’re all tuckered out. Good luck.