PROVIDENCE RHODE ISLAND– A female canine returned home from a month-long cruise to find the surprise of her lifetime when her husband totally renovated their small dog house and made it into a gargantuan mansion.
Rex Wilson, 3, decided to take advantage of his wife’s absence by transforming their one room dog house into a thirteen room dog castle. Rex’s wife Rita had to be given a mild tranquilizer to calm her down after she started running around in circles because of all the shock of not knowing what had happened to their home.
“I was totally blown away,” Rita said as she wagged her tail, reliving the moment. “At first I panicked because I didn’t recognize my surroundings and thought maybe I was lost, but when I saw Rex run out from behind the house I knew something was up.”

The crazy couple laughed while retelling the story about how Rita bit Rex on the neck during her brief moment of doggie confusion.
The Wilsons had been saving up their money to buy another dog house, but were always hesitant to move due to the close vicinity of their favorite public restroom where they love sticking their snouts into the toilet and drinking the water.
Rex said his animal friends can’t believe how quickly they were able to turn there modest one room dog house into something so massive and gorgeous, begging him to tell them how he did it so fast.
“Let’s just say I know some animals who love to build things,” Rex said jokingly, referring to a team of beavers he hired to build the home in record time. “I highly recommend those beavers, they’re great. They can basically make something out of nothing. There’s probably not a dam thing they can’t build.”